Information and Referral Services
ElderNet answers questions, helps individuals assess immediate needs, and finds resources to meet those needs. Whether you stop by, phone in, or send an email regarding your current situation, ElderNet will work to provide information and referral sources that best suit your individual needs. Our dedicated staff will follow up with you to make sure that your issues have been resolved.
You may also find a great amount of information on various programs in our Resources section
If you’d like to learn more about our services, please visit the contact us page to request more information.

Outreach & Community Cooperation
ElderNet studies current issues and informs the public about programs and services for the adult community. ElderNet representatives attend speaking engagements and gather information guides in an effort to better inform the public of the services available to them.
ElderNet collaborates with business, religious, and educational representatives to address issues faced by older adults in the community. ElderNet is regularly engaged with many area social service, health, and educational organizations in the Lower Merion and Narberth communities.
Holiday Basket Program
Each year, the holiday basket program provides between 250-300 meals to hundreds of individuals and families in need for both Thanksgiving and the winter holidays. Schools, churches and individuals donate the necessary food items and help us deliver them throughout Lower Merion.
Below is a list of requested donations: Please note that we can not take any perishables until Monday November 21st.
Corn |
Carrots |
Green Beans |
Cream of Mushroom Soup |
Yams |
Cranberry |
Pumpkin or Pecan pie Filling |
Gravy |
Applesauce |
Dry Goods:
Mashed Potatoes |
Corn Bread Mix |
Stuffing |
Mac & Cheese |
Marshmallows |
Crispy Onion |
Pie Crust |
Bread Rolls |
Pie |
Lock for Life
Lock For Life is a program available through ElderNet of Lower Merion and Narberth and administered by the Lower Merion Township Police Department. It is intended to provide Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) personnel access to your residence in the event of an emergency where you are unable to open the door.
A key to your residence is stored in a secure metal storage device, similar to a realtor’s lockbox near the entrance to your residence. The access code to your lockbox is ONLY available to Police, Fire, and EMS personnel, it is used ONLY during an emergency, and ONLY if responders are unable to gain access into your home without using force.
In the event Lock For Life is accessed, a representative from the Lower Merion Township Police Department will contact the resident to change the combination as an added security measure.
How much does it cost?
The Lock for Life program is free of charge to all residents of Lower Merion Township and Narberth Borough, ages 55 and older, or people of any age living with a disability or major medical diagnosis.
How do I know this is safe?
The lock box is installed by a police officer. The code to the lock box is only known by first responders and accessed only in the case of an emergency, ensuring your safety.
How do I get started?
You can contact ElderNet or Lower Merion Police, at (610) 649-1000, and tell us that you are interested in joining the Lock for Life program. ElderNet will conduct an assessment to collect information needed for reporting purposes and the Police will the install the box.